Some questions for you

Yes, you. The person who reads this. I have some questions for you!

I have a little bit of background in websites and internet and that sort of thing. And one of the things I’m always very focused on is usability, the art of making a website nice for the visitor instead of the owner. I mean, I’m not an expert, but I know enough about it to catch the most common mistakes and to help people build better websites. But I don’t have any knowledge whatsoever about blog usability. So, I figured, I’m just going to ask my awesome reader panel. 🙂

  1. Which of the following do you prefer?
    • A homepage with each post having a short introduction and a “Read more” link, which makes it easier to scroll through and see if there’s anything you’re interested in (this is what I have now)
    • A homepage with every post published in full (all information in one single glance)


  2. What would you like to happen when you click on a link to another post?
    • Open in the same window or tab, so you have to use the back button (this is what I have now)
    • Open in a new window or tab, so before you know it you have 15 windows open

    Links to other websites always open in a new window or tab, by the way. It’s just the internal links I’m curious about.

  3. What do you usually pay more attention to?
    • Categories and the top navigation menu (I don’t really have one at the moment)
    • Tags and the tag cloud in the side bar


  4. I sometimes use smaller version of images and photos inside my posts. How would you like to look at the larger image?
    • Open as a new page, with the top navigation still there (this is mostly what I have now, although I’d like to be able to add the right hand navigation as well)
    • Open as a “pop-up” gallery which you can close with the little X in the upper corner (I have this sometimes for posts with multiple images)


  5. Anything else that annoys the sh!t out of you every time you come here? I love honest criticism (yay! honesty! no unintelligible social scripts!) so please take this chance to unburden your frustrations.

I would love to hear from you all in the comments! And to make it even harder to resist, I’m going to call you all awesome again. I mean, look at this. YOU ARE AWESOME. 😀 *doing bouncy happy thing*